Autumn: New World

 My friend invite me to play a new game.

Sky ><

A very interesting game with wonderful graphics design. But I always lost in the sky after Isle of dawn. The sky where I cannot find the place I wanted to go. Today mistery, where is the cave of prophet?


Suspected covid patient in the jungle. Yesterday, we met new friends who did not wear mask and we shake hands.

Omg...Today should bring sanitizer to dinner.


I drop a follow request in LinkedIn and she has accepted immediately.

But the email is not ready yet.

What should I do next.

A little bit excitement and optimistic.


There is lots of  way to meet new friend, so don't make it limited to an apps or a place.

Try to get out of your comfort zones, there is lots of excitement around you >< 


"Nothing can stop love."

Cute comments when I saw it during recent pandemic.

I am looking forward the best of you.



  1. Sky是《Sky光.遇》吗?OvO 如果是的话,我也觉得游戏世界超漂亮哦!

  2. 来你的部落格那么多次,第一次听《千年之恋》呢!
    也太好听了吧,开始循环听了 !!!

    1. 最近我总听双笙的歌。推荐你也去听~

    2. 特别开心 你也喜欢!!!


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